Friday, March 10, 2017

What have I learned this quarter

This is my second quarter at National Louis University and this quarter I took Intro to Technology in the Classroom (TIE 300) with Dr. Cunningham.  I am not at all tech savvy, I am lucky I know how to turn on the computer.  I knew I was going to have some problems in this class, I used leave the class crying and thinking I would never pass this class.  As the class progress and started doing more projects I can say that learn A LOT this quarter.  I want to give credit to my wonderful class mates that sat to my right and to my left, they help me with what I didn't grasp.  As adults we still learn as community learners. 
In TIE 300 Dr. Cunningham had us do various projects.  We set up various accounts: Twitter, Google emails, Blogger, Diigo.   We also did two Google Docs projects, we did "Who am I as an Educator" and "Educational Tech Trend" which I did it in the interactive table.  We also did a picktochart explaining TPACK.  Our last projects was making a video about an important person in the history of computing.  Final project is setting up a Professional Web site where we will link all our course work.
 Not only did I learned how to do these projects but I take with me something more powerful.  As educators we need to keep up with the knowledge of technology.  If we want to keep our class innovated and our students engaged then we must use the technology that they use socially.  Introducing the technology is just half the job, we need to understand how technology and content influence and constrain one another.  In order for technology to be effective, teachers' knowledge about how to apply it is very important.

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