Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What I hope to get out of this course


“What I hope to get out of this course”

The name of this course is Introduction to Technology in the Classroom.  Frist I would like to mention how technology has change since I was in elementary school and high school.  The technology that my teachers used is totally different from the technology that used in today’s classroom.

 I remember my teachers used projectors for mostly everything.  There were projectors to watch films, there were projectors for pictures slides and my favorite projector was the one where the teachers will write with a marker on a plastic film and it will project on the screen on the wall (that was our smartboard).
Image result for projectors from the 80's

  Now, as we are in the 21st Century technology in the classroom has come a long way.  From laptops, smartboards, iPads, smartphones and apps. 

What I hope to get from this course is, besides learning how to use it, (very important aspect) I would like to know how to incorporate to help my students.  My major is special education and I have two sons that are special needs.  I see how technology helps them by it being accommodated and modified into their curriculum through their IEP’s.  It amazes me how there is an app for everything to make your life a little easier.  My son that has ADHD seems to better understand his academics with the help of technology.  His math teacher encourages him to use this type of support throughout the school day.

I always been afraid of change and thought that I would never need to use a computer let alone depend on it.  I had to face that it is here to stay and I need to learn the change of times.  Not only for the sake of my two sons, but for my future profession. 

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